In August 2009, the Austrian online shop featured a 'naughty' sock shirt as the monthly special; the shirt by the Viennese fashion label ‚unartig’ - which means as much as ‚naughty’ - is made of socks. The label 'unartig' was founded by the architect Anita Steinwidder in 2002. Many of her pieces are made of odds which she cuts and sews together for new unique clothes.
summer 2009

A manifesto rules a fashion shop

In August 2009, the Austrian online shop featured a 'naughty' sock shirt as the monthly special; the shirt by the Viennese fashion label ‚unartig’ - which means as much as ‚naughty’ - is made of socks. 'unartig' was founded by the architect Anita Steinwidder in 2002. Many of her pieces are made of odds which she cuts and sews together for new unique clothes.

Question: Where does the name Styleaut come from; Style Autriche?

Boris Berghammer, initiator of "Exactly! We have decided for this name, because it contains already our main focus, that is Austrian fashion." 

Question: Why have you chosen this name?

Boris Berghammer: "To create a clear message of our content."

Question: You have founded the style shop in summer 2008 with a manifesto. Are these the rules which decide if a designer can be part of

Boris Berghammer: "Just like the "Dogma" films in the 90's, this manifesto serves as frame work and screening criteria. Like all rules, these are interpretable as well. Fashion is after all a living process." 

Question: Why is it so important for to present designers who work in consensus with the manifesto?

Boris Berghammer: "We would like to emphasize our claim, throughout an online shop, to increase the awareness and acceptance of Austrian fashion."

Question:Can you summarize the manifesto with a few words?

Boris Berghammer: "Quality (vs. cheap products). Home land (vs. Global production). Responsibility (vs. Exploitation)"

Question: Who had been the first three designers on in summer 2008?

Boris Berghammer: "On the official start on 11.11.2009, there were 9 labels participating: art point; Artista, Göttin des Glücks; km/a; Maronski; MASI; meyota; pitour; ulliKo."

Question: How many designers are today, one year later, in the style shop?

Boris Berghammer: "At the moment we present 42 labels. Our target is to reach 50 by the fall. The further development is very dynamic, therefore it is difficult to forecast exactly. In any case, we see the qualitative growth more important than the quantitative one."

Question: How many products, approximately?

Boris Berghammer: "We present currently around 750 different items, while a significant change, or expansion, happen always at the typical times of a collection change, namely, fall/winter, or spring/summer."

Question: features monthly a special product. Who decides which product gets the special feature?

Boris Berghammer: "Our 'Product of the Month' is chosen by an internal committee, who is also responsible for our online-magazine 'styleaut.mag'." 

Question: What do you plan in future?

Boris Berghammer: We work simultaneously on an English version of the website - expected to start in mid-September - and a significant expansion of the concept here in Vienna that starts at the beginning of October.

The shop address is

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