T-post Hoaxes and sexual fantasies In December 2009, the Swedish publisher Peter Lundgren and founder of the media experimental wearable magazine 'T-post', presented the 50th issue of the t-shirt post with a celebration piece for 'Lesbians and Freebies' designed by Swedish artist and designer Jessica Eriksson. fig.: 50th issue of the wearable magazine T-post with the title 'Welcome to Lesbian Town', design by Jessica Eriksson, December 2009. T-post was founded in 2004 t-post.se. The Swedish humour of the publisher can be found on many of the products from T-post; on t-shirts and since this year even on videos which are published online. The 50th issue is about a lesbian-city that grew as a hoax in men's fantasies which goes now around the globe. British journalist Tim Worstall writes in his article in the Examiner in October 2009: "Unknown to Swedes, indeed unknown to any Europeans, there is a secret lesbian city in Sweden called Chako Paul City. This amazing new information has recently surfaced in China where it has led to waves of men trying to book passage to the place. ..." On examiner.com/examiner/x-23632-UK-Headlines-Examiner~y2009m10d8-Chako-Paul-City he finds an explanation why this happened in China. For T-post it's a story that fits into the label's concept of absurdity (like hoaxes) and sexual fantasies. In November 2007, the wearable magazine spread the story with the title 'Sexual Confusion': "At this very moment mathematicians around the world are working day and night to crack one of life’s great mysteries: How heterosexual women could claim to have considerably fewer sex partners than numbers claimed by heterosexual men. In study after study and in country after country, men report more, often many more, sexual partners than women. ..." fashionoffice.org/design/2007/tpost11-2007.htm Since 2009, T-post's humour goes cross-media. The witty documentary ‘A T-post family Portrait - Karin & Carina’ shows two women interacting - with an uncommon behavioural break. |