Poolbar Fashion The tour goes through the Viennese Prater which smells at this time of the year and especially in the combination rain/sunshine like a flower shop. After around 20 minutes I have reached the new location 'Pratersauna' which hosts since last year music, art, and design events. Contrary to official press events, I visited the Pratersauna 'incognito'. The pool-picture (below) on this page is from this 'undercover appearance'. Inside the Pratersauna, a very friendly woman invited me immediately to show me the location - although she didn't know that I wanted to report about it. I asked her some questions about the program and when the Pratersauna opens each day, etc. Since 19 May, the Pratersauna hosts the Poolbar Festival. Today, Andrew Weatherall is in concert, tomorrow on 22 May, the Fagget Fairys will perform on stage. Sunday is the last day, that the Poolbar Festival heats up the dancefloors in the Pratersauna. The Pratersauna opens each day in the spring/summer months at 11.00 and closes at 4.00 in the early morning. Concerts begin at 21.00 or 22.00. Saturday pool parties start at 14.00. |