Richard Hamilton
Virtual Spaces
25 May - 10 August 2008
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany
Accompanying catalogues are published in German and English by Edition Hansjörg Mayer www.kunsthalle-bielefeld.de
In the 50ies London born (1922) artist Richard Hamilton discovered the binary system for his art inspired by a book of Claude Shannon. This was the birth of the digital age for Hamilton! Since the early 70s, when it became possible to buy computers, Hamilton has made use of the most advanced hardware and software available in the digitalized generation of his own works. Employing the latest image processing programs and printers, he even began altering his earlier works, perfecting them yet a second time. The biggest gift that an avowed collagist can receive from a computer, says Hamilton, is a measure of control.
fig.: Portrait Richard Hamilton; photographer Joachim Schmidt-Dominé
At the age of 16 he studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, later he studied engineering drafting during World War II. Richard Hamilton has been credited with one of the inventors of Pop Art; he was also one of the first who continually studied the mechanization and digitalization of images.
In the exhibition Virtual Spaces examples of Richard Hamilton's work of the last 15 years are shown.
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fig.: Bathroom - fig.2 II 2005.06, Oil on Fuji/Océ Light Jet on canvas,100 x 100 cm © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2008
