From an Online Meeting to a Photo Shoot in London
In September 2008 Nineteen74.com and Factory311, the first is a community platform for creatives, the second a company of creatives, announced their next photo shoot in London and call designers to join the project which will be posted after the shooting to (Nineteen74.com named 65.000) professionals worldwide.
The Community Platform: Nineteen74.com
The story of Nineteen74.com began 2007, when founder Raoul Keil (photo on this site) was returning from Sao Paulo fashion week with two new labels to launch in the European market. Knowing the perils and pitfalls of starting out in a strange new market, the challenge got him thinking. Like most entrepreneurs, the seed of Raoul’s idea began taking shape with a series of ‘what ifs’…
Question: Is 1974 your birthday or why have you named the platform nineteen74?
Raoul Keil, founder and managing director of Nineteen74.com: "Yes NINETEEN74 is my year of birth; I wanted to choose a name away from style, fashion and the typical target groups as my aim is to include the complete fashion world from creatives, production, graphic, web design etc and not only the obvious glam.
As being a consultant and trend scout before, I had difficulties to find those people and the network in the industry and if you come fresh from University, have a great idea or want to expand in other countries, it is crucial to have a platform like NINETEEN74, i just try to make life a bit easier, professional but entertainin."

Raoul Keil has experienced as a freelance fashion consultant the global fashion industry. Starting at H&M in Germany, he has since been at the business end of marketing, manufacturing, sales and consultancy; responsible for bringing brand new brands into brand new markets. Nineteen74.com is the culmination of almost 15 years of Raoul’s knowledge and passion into one dynamic entity.
The cooperation with Factory311 is one of the results of Raoul Keil's idea to bring people together to make it easier for designers.
The partner of this cooperation: Factory311
Factory311 is an international agency (founded in November 2007) with strong focus on music and fashion of the Urban Art Scene. 311 is the number of the flat, the center of the factory for creation.
Today you can find creatives from art, design, fashion, photography and film at the Factory311 working for talents in the fashion and music industry.
At this time following creatives team up in Factory311:
Belin :: Urban Artist
Soem One :: Grafik Designer
Lionel Deluy :: Photographer
Rabodiga :: Urban Artist
Sat One :: Urban Artist
Otes :: Urban Artist
Nicholas Hardy :: Company Director
Check out how you can join and details of the photo shooting: Nineteen74.com and factory311.com.
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