fig.: Baby Cage, 27 January 1934. An example of the wire cage which East Poplar borough council in London propose to fix to the outside of their tenement windows, so that babies can benefit from fresh air and sunshine. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images) Fox Photos.Londoners Through a Lens
People photography from the
Getty Images Hulton Archive
between 1900 and 1990

14 August - 5 September 2009
Getty Images Gallery, London

Fashion designer Mary Quant, babies in cages, Sex Pistols outside Buckingham Palace

The exhibition shows the spirit and style of London's residents between 1900-1990, from the famous film and rock stars to the unknown flower sellers or babies in cages, with a selection from the Getty Images Hulton Archive. This show at London’s largest independent photographic gallery, the Getty Images Gallery (founded 1996) follows last year's exhibition of photographs from the city, entitled 'London Through a Lens'.

You will find an image of the Sex Pistols outside Buckingham Palace alongside to an image of school children queuing at a children’s only cinema, or the swinging sixties fashion designer Mary Quant.

fig.: Baby Cage, 27 January 1934. An example of the wire cage which East Poplar borough council in London propose to fix to the outside of their tenement windows, so that babies can benefit from fresh air and sunshine. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images) Fox Photos.

"As one of London’s leading photo galleries it is only fitting that we are hosting this show, which is a stunning sequel to ‘London Through a Lens’ and a perfect tribute to the people of London," says Getty Images Gallery Director, Louise Garczewska. "The spirit, energy and excitement of our capital is embodied in every one of its charming inhabitants, from Michael Caine to Thomas Sparrow, the bird taxidermist from Eltham. These images really portray what it means to be a Londoner."

"Londoners Through a Lens takes a look at what makes London so special – namely, its people," says Cath Phillips, Editor of the Time Out Guides book, which will accompany the exhibition "Artists and actors, comedians and call-girls, musicians and murderers, playwrights and politicians, scientists and sporting stars - the celebrated and the hated all appear, but there are also plenty of anonymous faces, everyday Londoners going about their everyday business, working, playing and bringing London to life."

For all the one who can not attend the exhibition: the book' 'Londoners Through a Lens' (publisher: Time Out Guides) will be released in September 2009

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