Karin Sawetz

Karin Sawetz is a journalist, media researcher and fashion scholar (Mag. Dr. phil.). Since the 1990s she has published scientific studies on fashion and media (education, industry, online publishing). In 1995, together with her brother Josef Sawetz (Mag. phil. Dr. rer. nat.), Karin Sawetz founded, with the study Fashion Navigator about fashion online (published in 1996). She has focused her work on as an international magazine for intercultural approaches in fashion, art and research on computer networks and their effects on public opinion. The fashion magazine, dedicated to Austrian culture, was first published in 1996 for an international audience. The topics are chosen independently by publisher, Karin Sawetz. isn't financed by Austrian institutions or companies.

Karin Sawetz finished her studies at the Institute for Journalism and Communication Sciences, the Institute for Theatre-, Film- and Media-Sciences, the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Vienna, and the Institute for Artistic Sciences, Art Education and Communication/Department for Cultural and Intellectual History at the University of Applied Arts, before she worked as Univ.-Lektor at the University of Vienna (Insititute for Journalism and Communication Science, 'Online Market Research') and lectured full-length courses at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce ('New Media Marketing' and 'Content Management'). Alongside to her scientific education, she is trained for the fashion and clothing industry at the higher-level secondary college Herbststrasse Wien (diploma in fashion/clothing technology). In 1990, she received the first prize for her design of the male work trousers for the filling stations of the oil and gas group OMV. The trousers were produced by Austrian manufacturers. Before and while studying, she was designer for her own label, worked as costume designer for theatre and film, and was civil servant (subject specialist) for the Fashion & Textile Industry at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics.


  • (2010) Mit Faktor X zur Wirklichkeit. Ein Untersuchungsbericht zu ‚Memorized Data’ im Internet und deren Einfluss auf die Wirklichkeitskonstruktion. In: Annual Multimedia 2011. Berlin: Walhalla Fachverlag
  • (2002) Fallbeispiel Online-Medien. In: Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Hrsg.: Conrady/Jaspersen/Pepels. München: Luchterhand Verlag
  • (1996) Schönheitsideale und ihre medialen Transportmechanismen. Wandel des Rollenbildes der Frau und sein vestimentärer Ausdruck. Wien: Studie im Auftrag des ÖIF, Österreichisches Institut für Formgebung. (Media and the Communication of "Beauty". A Semiotic Analysis of the Female Role from 1950 through 1995 and its Expression in Fashion.) > content
  • (1996) Kleidung als kommunikatives System. Eine Untersuchung zu den Universalien der Kleidermode. Dissertation Universität Wien; supervision Prof. Dr. Wolfgang R. Langenbucher and Prof. Dr. Manfred Wagner (Semiotic Analysis of Fashion Codes.)
  • (1996) Fashion Navigator. Die interessantesten Seiten zum Thema Mode im WWW. Wien: (The Most Interesting Sites about Fashion in the WordWideWeb.)
  • (1994) Kommunikationspolitische Maßnahmen der österreichischen Textilindustrie. Diplomarbeit Universität Wien; supervision Prof. Dr. Fritz Karmasin (Marketing Strategies of the Austrian Textile Industry.)
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