Keywords used by the users to reach Fashionoffice
25 August 2008 - 25 January 2009; interpreted on 30 Jan 2009
Google Analytics on a
third-party standard (US, Globat, Linux) webserver
Google Analytics definitions:
Circulation and the interest of users in certain themes, labels
Fashionoffice researches the interests of users on the channels and since many years. For this report the original data by Google Analytics are delivering the results. Google Analytics is installed on the sites of each channel. The hypothesis is that the users interests is reflected in the keywords used by the users to reach Fashionoffice.
The label of the magazine itself "Fashionoffice" is the most attractive keyword for the users. In sum the results show that the international 'big' labels are very sparely in the list of keywords which gives an impression of the relevance of a theme or label for fashionistas worldwide. The results are leading to the assumption that the keyword analysis is not an indication for the interest of the users regarding their reading behaviour. The corresponding analysis of the favored articles will follow in Feb 2009.
The Universe
Statistical data (25 August 2008 - 25 January 2009) about the users of Fashionoffice: Continents, Countries, Languages, Loyalty of the Visitors.
Result: The international circulation has changed in the last six months in favor of European users, especially for readers from France.
For finding out in which country the users are based and which language they are speaking we have used the map overlay and the visitor language reports by Google Analytics from 25 August 2008 until 25 January 2009. For measuring the data over all channels in one report, we have taken a sample from the advertising spaces by tagging them with Google Analytics code. The advertising spaces appear on cover and editorial sites of Fashionoffice over all channels (,,,,,
Google Analytics definitons:
Continent/Visitors This field identifies visitors' continent based on IP address. The Continent field falls in a hierarchy of geographical groupings used in Analytics, which proceeds in the following order: country, continent, sub-continent, region, sub-region, and city.
Country/Visitors This field identifies visitors' country based on IP address. The Country field falls in a hierarchy of geographical groupings used in Analytics, which proceeds in the following order: country, continent, sub-continent, region, sub-region, and city.
Languages/Visitors This field uses the language as provided by the HTTP Request for the browser to determine the primary language used by visitors. Values are given in 2- or 4-character language code (e.g. en-br for British English). |
fig.: Continents: Europe 61,327%; Americas 21,410%; Asia 14,101%; Oceania 2,305%; Africa 0,854% (Source: Google Analytics; sample from the advertising spaces of all channels of Fashionoffice)
Countries/Territories: France 21,275%; United States 16,826%; Germany 14,866%; Austria 6,909%; United Kingdom 4,497%; South Korea 2,366%; Australia 2,147%; Canada 2,044%; Japan 1,708%; India 1,441%
Language: en 45,204%; de 38,388%; ko 2,385%; es 2,047%; fr 1,969%; ru 1,118%; pl 1,063%; zh 0,983%; pt 0,947%; it 0,828%; pl 0,815% ...
Compare the data with 4 June - 4 August 2008:
Continents: Europe 40,91%; Americas 31,76%; Asia 21,22%; Oceania 4,31%; Africa 1,66%; (not set) 0,13%
Countries/Territories: United States 23,55%; Germany 10,86%; United Kingdom 5,33%; Austria 4,13%; Canada 3,27%; South Korea 3,15%; Japan 2,64%; ...
Language: en 56%, de 19%, ko 5,%, es 3%, fr 2,5%, pl 1,7%, ru 1,2%, it 1,1%, …
How is the editorial strategy of a fashion magazine reflected by the loyalty of the visitors?
A fashion magazine is not a weather channel! Even if some trends appear to be seasonal. Fashion trends are running through a development phase of minimum 3 years for the production of textiles. Additional to the time phase for manufacturing the fabrics, trends have a lead time for creating the appropriate form (design of textiles, clothes) which expresses the values of the society and its new ideas best. These values are targeted by specialists (designers, trend scouts, market researchers) permanently. Some labels are setting the trends, others are following; in high quality magazines you can monitor the history of trends.
That's the reason why the editorials by Fashionoffice about fashion, beauty, and cultural themes are not produced for a one or two day consummation time. The visitors of a magazine are traditionally (because they don't expect that they could miss daily news; not to mention that users are getting news by RSS Feeds or per Email) not as loyal as the readers of a daily regional newspaper; this becomes obvious by counting the new and returning visitors of the magazine: approximately 84% of the visitors had been new visitors in the last 6 months.
Google Analytics definition:
New or Returning Visitors This field identifies the number of visitors to your site who are new or returning.
Additional explanation by Google:
A high number of new visitors suggests that you are successful at driving traffic to your site while a high number of return visitors suggests that the site content is engaging enough to keep visitors coming back. |
83.64% New Visitor
16.36% Returning Visitor
Compare the data with 4 June 2008 – 4 August 2008:
81.96 % New Visitors
18.04 % Returning Visitors
The List of Interest
What have these users searched for on the channels of Fashionoffice?
Therefore we have - differently to the sample in the advertising spaces for the statistical data above - taken the results by Google Analytics from the editorial sites.
Google Analytics definition:
Keyword/Traffic Sources This field identifies all keywords, both paid and un-paid, used by users to reach your site.
Additional information by Fashionoffice:
None of the listed keywords are paid. All data used for the data interpretation correlate to unpaid keywords. |
The keywords including the name of the channels such as fashion, fashion office, fashionoffice, office fashion,, confashion, beautyme ... are the most searched keywords.
Which are the most questioned names/labels in the last six months?
In Fashion, the users are searching for following names/labels: Vanessa Beecroft, film noir, Burberry, Raf Simons, Zegna, (the Austrian model agency owner) Andrea Weidler, Vivienne Westwood, Silvia Troska ...
Beautyme In beauty we can count the greatest interest for Sergej Benedetter, Marlies Möller, Paul Mitchell. On, the catwalk TV channel, one label over-trumps all: for Philipp Plein the users are searching in many variations - from Philipp Plein Jeans to Philipp Plein 2009 spring summer,
Philipp Plein jeans снимки ... that it is not possible to name the second and third place without taking a great effort in a more detailed analysis.
This is one of the reasons why we have decided to research the data of the most read articles on Fashionoffice through the last six months. The next report will give you another view on what fashion people are interested in
more survey>>>
About Fashionoffice In 2009 Fashionoffice celebrates 13 years top-relevance in 'fashion'. Read more about the top-ranking history of the magazine
