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Generated on 10 April 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, AddThis, Twitter, Feedburner.

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(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics)

Pattern for a non-medical face mask Non-medical face masks don't replace professional gear. But in our days it's better to wear a mask - and when it's only for preventing to touch with the own fingers the face, the nose or mouth when walking through the grocery, for example. It seems as if the opinion about homemade face masks change with the amount of people infected...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)

(At the end of the 3rd week of self-isolation in Austria): Style tip for an off-road walk with a toddler At the end of the 3rd week, the restrictive measures to flatten the curve of the coronavirus outbreak show the first positive effects in Austria. Probably the hardest test for the people's endurance and patience starts with the next, the fourth week. Then, the awareness that the quasi-lockdown will last in the one or other form over spring, summer will have be raised finally in all groups of the population. But new business models for interacting with customers with reduced contact are evolving constantly. On 3rd April for example, the information about a new regulation in the field...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)

(At the end of the 3rd week of self-isolation in Austria): Style tip for an off-road walk with a toddler At the end of the 3rd week, the restrictive measures to flatten the curve of the coronavirus outbreak show the first positive effects in Austria. Probably the hardest test for the people's endurance and patience starts with the next, the fourth week. Then, the awareness that the quasi-lockdown will last in the one or other form over spring, summer will have be raised finally in all groups of the population. But new business models for interacting with customers with reduced contact are evolving constantly. On 3rd April for example, the information about a new regulation in the field...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Pattern for a non-medical face mask Non-medical face masks don't replace professional gear. But in our days it's better to wear a mask - and when it's only for preventing to touch with the own fingers the face, the nose or mouth when walking through the grocery, for example. It seems as if the opinion about homemade face masks change with the amount of people infected...


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