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Generated on 10 July 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, Blogger, Feedburner, Twitter, AddThis.

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"A New Beginning", part 5 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz "I'm not better than corrupt systems. Yes, Sarah the stories you've heard are true. But the first step wasn't set by me," corrects grandmother Naomi with a wink in her eyes the story, "I was polite and responded appropriately." ...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)

Marc Quinn's same-sex sculpture for Vienna is a memorial for victims of the Nazi era, against hate, violence, homophobia and a call to show love The City of Vienna's Anti-Discrimination Agency for Same-sex and Transgender Lifestyle and Vienna's Culture Department, division Art in Public Space presented the sculpture by British artist Marc Quinn showing two pair of hands - two female and two male - as memorial for the persecution of homosexual men and women during the Holocaust of the Nazi era and larger-than-life sized monument for love...

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De'Longhi presented vegan and vegetarian recipes under the motto 'No Meat!' for the preparation in the fryer device with less fat ...the device company presented a falafel, quinoa-salad, pea cream recipe by Austrian nutrition specialist and 'Mein leckeres Leben' publisher Lena Fuchs...

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