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Swarovski's 'Vienna Opera Ball' tiara by Christian Lacroix staged by artist Philipp Fürhofer after original Mozart 'The Magic Flute' designs and equipped with day & night surprise mirror On occasion of the upcoming 'Wiener Opernball' (Vienna Opera Ball) on 20 February 2020, Swarovski Kristallwelten displays the Swarovski tiaras, which are created each year by international designers for the ball's debutants, inside and at one of the windows of the store in Vienna...

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Swarovski's 'Vienna Opera Ball' tiara by Christian Lacroix staged by artist Philipp Fürhofer after original Mozart 'The Magic Flute' designs and equipped with day & night surprise mirror On occasion of the upcoming 'Wiener Opernball' (Vienna Opera Ball) on 20 February 2020, Swarovski Kristallwelten displays the Swarovski tiaras, which are created each year by international designers for the ball's debutants, inside and at one of the windows of the store in Vienna...

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Insights into the 15th anniversary celebrations of the Austrian 'Shopping Guide' at Park Hyatt Vienna followed the invitation to the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Shopping Guide Austria at Park Hyatt Vienna and met there representatives of the Viennese fashion and beauty scene...

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Los Angeles-based hair stylist Peter Savic about his early years in Vienna and his latest and upcoming art projects



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