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Generated on 20 March 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, AddThis, Twitter, Feedburner.

Audience (main domain; statistics via Google Analytics 'Location', 'Users'): Sudan 12.86%; China 6.25%; United States 6.19%; Ethiopia 5.72%; Benin 4.05%; India 3.87%; Bangladesh 3.51%; Austria 2.98%; Germany 2.56%; Egypt 2.50%;...

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(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics) tips for the Spring 2020 Home Office Style The Viennese have already changed the daily routine into self-isolation mode for practising the greatest possible care for themselves and others, especially vulnerable groups like older people. Currently, the time perspective of the self-quarantine respectively when social contacts are allowed again spans from weeks to months. Already on Monday the 16th March, many media related workplaces of the Austrian fashion and beauty industry have moved to home offices. At the same time, editorial publications have started to release tips for planning the work flow at home. The recommendations...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)

Fashion retail in times of drastic measures to slow down the coronavirus outbreak From restaurant delivery services to fashion online shops, businesses keep the country running - with reduced social contacts to slow down the coronavirus outbreak. One of the companies is Lena Hoschek. The fashion brand runs online shops for the main line Lena Hoschek (shop in German and English) and for the company's children's label 'Bunny Bogart'. The latest items at the Lena Hoschek shop are from the 'Season Of The Witch' Spring/Summer 2020 collection...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)

Austrian jewelry brand Cajoy opened treasure box-like store in Vienna at Seilergasse, known for its trendy boutiques followed the invitation to the store opening by Austrian jewelry label Cajoy at Seilergasse 3 in the 1st district of Vienna. The boutique is a comfy place and might remind visitors on a treasure box with citations of Wiener Jugendstil. Guests like popular Austrian actress Elke Winkens (jury member of Austria's 'The Masked Singer' TV-show at Puls4) or legendary football player Michael Konsel...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Fiat 500 'La Prima' interpreted by Armani, Bvlgari, Kartell The first fully electric FCA car, the Fiat 500 'La Prima' (up to 320 km, 5 minutes to charge for 50 km travel) premiered in three color variations referencing the environment, mineral grey for the earth, ocean green for the sea and celestial blue for the sky, and in additional three unique masterpiece editions outfitted by Armani, Bvlgari and Kartell...


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