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Generated on 27 November 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, AddThis, Feedburner, Twitter.

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Viennese are proving with new strategies resilience during 2nd lockdown: Sacher Torte available at the hotel's new Drive-In,... At the beginning of the 'hard lockdown' in Austria, it seems as if businesses and people are proving that the resilience trained in the 1st lockdown is applied now to practical strategies for going through the 2nd. Hotels (except for business travelers) or gastronomy are closed but can deliver food. Hotel Sacher Vienna for example has established a drive-in service...

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Tip for bringing bar, nightclub feeling to the own home on the 7th day of 'hard lockdown' in Austria looked through the latest press releases for trending alcohol-free compositions which can be easily made at home; the recipes with Mautner's...

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