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(First week of self-isolation in Austria) Tip: Meal preparation with the support of kitchen machines At the end of the first week of self-isolation in Austria, the measures for slowing down the outbreak were tightened and extended until 13 April. Well, most of the Austrians realize how serious the situation is. They are prepared to master together these hard times. In short words: The situation here in Austria can be described as 'hopeful to conquer the coronavirus'. ... Couples with children experience new challenges also at home. Many family households with school-age children have to find time and space for school activities, workplace, fitness studio, playground,... in one apartment. The time-expensive daily preparation of three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, is an additional theme nowadays...

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(First week of self-isolation in Austria) Tip: Meal preparation with the support of kitchen machines At the end of the first week of self-isolation in Austria, the measures for slowing down the outbreak were tightened and extended until 13 April. Well, most of the Austrians realize how serious the situation is. They are prepared to master together these hard times. In short words: The situation here in Austria can be described as 'hopeful to conquer the coronavirus'. ... Couples with children experience new challenges also at home. Many family households with school-age children have to find time and space for school activities, workplace, fitness studio, playground,... in one apartment. The time-expensive daily preparation of three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, is an additional theme nowadays...

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Austria's strategy amidst coronavirus outbreak: The show must go on! In Austria, the coronavirus has high impact on all media types; but let's throw light on TV. TV news rooms spread the most trustworthy constantly changing statistics from the whole world, report directly... The broadcasters' entertainment departments are challenged by the virus as well. Especially live-shows with close interactions between participants, such as it happens at 'Dancing Stars' or 'Eurovision Song Contest', had to be canceled. But the shows will go on, don't worry! From 15 April, the 2nd season of the collaborative home interior design show 'Design Dream' by IKEA and TV-channel ProSieben Austria will start. Host Jakob Glanzner and Nicole Zangl, Head of Interior Design IKEA Austria,...

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