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Generated on 6 November 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, AddThis, Feedburner, Twitter.

Audience (main domain; statistics via Google Analytics 'Location', 'Users'): United States 11.70%; Austria 10.03%; France 6.84%; Turkey 5.78%; Germany 5.17%; China 5.02%; India 3.65%; Norway 3.34%; United Kingdom 2.43%; Italy 2.28%;...

Most viewed Fashionoffice articles (own domains like,,... )
(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics)

Wien Museum digital initiatives: Magazine with behind the scenes stories & Online Collection of fashion, photography, paintings,... On 2nd November, many Austrian museums posted the announcement of the closure of the exhibitions spaces for the public from the 3rd. But this doesn't mean that for example museums will be inactive. The 'Wien Museum' group with locations like the MUSA or the Beethoven Museum presented two initiatives to ensure the cultural supply of the population through digital formats...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Wien Museum digital initiatives: Magazine with behind the scenes stories & Online Collection of fashion, photography, paintings,... On 2nd November, many Austrian museums posted the announcement of the closure of the exhibitions spaces for the public from the 3rd. But this doesn't mean that for example museums will be inactive. The 'Wien Museum' group with locations like the MUSA or the Beethoven Museum presented two initiatives to ensure the cultural supply of the population through digital formats...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)

Design award winning Italian restaurant Pauly (Seefeld, Tyrol) opened 'Nonna Eliana' online shop
The connections of the three countries Italy, Germany and Austria are especially in Tyrol very close; such as in the case of the new food label and grocery store 'Nonna Eliana' where the bonds are knotted by the family...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)

Wien Museum digital initiatives: Magazine with behind the scenes stories & Online Collection of fashion, photography, paintings,... On 2nd November, many Austrian museums posted the announcement of the closure of the exhibitions spaces for the public from the 3rd. But this doesn't mean that for example museums will be inactive. The 'Wien Museum' group with locations like the MUSA or the Beethoven Museum presented two initiatives to ensure the cultural supply of the population through digital formats...

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