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Generated on 8 May 2020. Statistics by Google Analytics, Blogger, AddThis, Twitter, Feedburner.

Audience (main domain; statistics via Google Analytics 'Location', 'Users'): Austria 22.05%; United States 16.16%; Turkey 7.91%; Germany 5.39%; China 5.22%; United Kingdom 3.54%; India 2.86%; Japan 2.36%; Norway 2.02%; Canada 1.68%;...

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(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics, Blogger)

New opening dates of arts & crafts, fashion, furniture,... exhibitions at MAK Vienna Officially it's allowed to re-open museums at the same time like restaurants, coffee houses,... in mid-May; excluded are still bars, night clubs or for example art performances where the distance of at least 1 meter (recommended are 1,5 meters) can't be kept. ... On 1st June, the MAK Museum of Applied Arts will continue the exhibition 'Bentwood and Beyond. Thonet and Modern Furniture Design.' with objects on display like the Thonet chair No. 14. The Viennese coffee-house chair was created in the mid-19th century...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)

The next steps back to normality: After curfew ended and stores are open, gastronomy, museums (mid-May) and hotels (29 May) can be visited again At the end May, hotels - as long as the curve of new infections doesn't rise - will start to run their business. In realistic foresight of the uncertain situation, the region Zell am See for example created the special offer 'Sorgenfrei Buchen' (Book Carefree)...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)

Trend in corona-times: Bringing travel experiences to home Cooking after recipes from favorite holiday destinations can't replace traveling to foreign places but it brings the feeling of holiday to home. Traveling will become possible sooner or later when it's less risky. On occasion of the traveling restrictions, Emirates sent some recipes like the one for the Arabic lentil soup...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Tiberius designer Marcos Valenzuela's initiative #wirsindzusammen for making Austria's creative scene more visible In Austria like in other countries, promotions which make consumers aware that local shopping saves the region's economy in times of the pandemic started with the 1st phase of restrictive measures already in March. Since several days, a new logo with the writing 'I (heart for love) Österreichs Kreative' for expressing the love to Austria's Creative People is spread...


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