Most viewed content in April 2021 Generated on 1 May 2021 for last month. Statistics generated via LogFiles, Twitter, FeedBurner, AddThis, Google Analytics, Blogger. 'Sun & Ice' Style 2021 for remote working, city tours and beach walks This year's April weather with very warm and sunny to cold and snowy days doesn't improve the rather depressing overall situation in Austria. The pandemic tests the people's endurance. The nerves are in constant tense. Not only the now leaving Health Minister who co-directed the country with bravery and sovereignty through the last 14 months is exhausted. The hard lockdown will last in Vienna and Lower Austria due to the amount of new infections and hospitalizations until 2 May. The third federal state Burgenland which traditionally decides like the two other states, announced today to open stores etc. on 19 April. Well, it's not far from the 2,8 million people metropolitan area (city of Vienna and surrounding) to Burgenland's lake Neusiedler See which will become very probably the region's favorite weekend destination. Howsoever. The icy days will soon be over and sunshine can be enjoyed also in the gardens of the métropole or the Vienna City Beach at the Danube. collected some pieces with Sun & Ice on better days in mind... 12th International Conference on Artistic Research (7 - 9 April) presents programme of projects visualizing research findings through art, music, performance Societal topics in relation to the pandemic, migration or artificial intelligence are highlights of the programme. The topics are approached from various perspectives - from very personal angles to literally 'objectified' design-related (keyword: jewelry) points of view. The findings are the basis of the artistic expression through the respective media of the presented artists, musicians, performers. At the website, a virtual 'SAR bar' (Society for Artistic Research bar) is announced. The bar is described...
ImPulsTanz Festival released programme with fashionable digital campaign with face filter by 3D makeup artist Ines Alpha The most fashionable graphics of a programme, poster and digital campaign that landed on's desk so far this year were sent by Impulstanz Festival. The magazine-like programme catalogue shows on the cover an artwork by the Viennese design studio Cin Cin in collaboration with 3D makeup artist Ines Alpha (Dior, H&M, Charlie XCX,...) who created a face filter which can be used for photos or videos by scanning the QR code... H&M 'Innovation Stories'-series will be continued after the 'Science Story' with the 'Colour Story' with strong focus on saving resources, especially water The first edition with the name 'Science Story' presented a collection consisting of comfortable sports inspired pieces made from innovative materials like leather from cactus plants. The second edition 'Colour Story' is dedicated to sustainable methods for dyeing fabrics such as the WeareSpinDye technology where color pigments are mixed with the recycled polyester mass without using water... |