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(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics, Blogger)
-'s Karin Sawetz about knots in fashion: From the making of nautical knots to the use of knots in contemporary fashion To make knots reminds me of knitting. Actually, the word 'knitting' has its origin in the word 'knot'. The word knitting was derived from tying a net from knots. Knots themselves are used for communication. The culture of the Incas used knots as a sort of writing system. Knots which carry meanings are also known in fashion such as in the Austrian traditional clothing. The traditional dress 'Dirndl' has an apron which is tied with a bow. The position of the bow - left, right, middle, or in the back - has different meanings and signals the status of the wearer. The bow right from the position of the wearer means the person is married or in a relationship, left means without a partner, the bow in the back is worn by widows, children, and the bow in the middle has no special meaning or means that the wearer simply doesn't want to signal anything. The most common knot used internationally in menswear...
Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on fashion feeds (Feedburner)
- 'Wanderlust' exhibition at Schallaburg, Lower Austria provides holistic view on exploration of the world with examples of positive, negative impacts of traveling Wanderlust - Exploring New Worlds' (Sehnsucht Ferne - Aufbruch in neue Welten) is the title of this year's exhibition from 20 March until 7 November at Schallaburg in Lower Austria. The 'Wanderlust' show was developed from a holistic view on exploring the world and traveling to faraway countries guided by positive and negative terms related to expeditions or adventure journeys like research, plunder, discover, conquer, preserve, collect, buy,... From this holistic view, the curators throw lights on the history and technologies of seafarers with artefacts such as the compass from the 16th century or critical views on the negative impact of humans' mobility on nature with examples like the extinct...
Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)
-'s Karin Sawetz about knots in fashion: From the making of nautical knots to the use of knots in contemporary fashion To make knots reminds me of knitting. Actually, the word 'knitting' has its origin in the word 'knot'. The word knitting was derived from tying a net from knots. Knots themselves are used for communication. The culture of the Incas used knots as a sort of writing system. Knots which carry meanings are also known in fashion such as in the Austrian traditional clothing. The traditional dress 'Dirndl' has an apron which is tied with a bow. The position of the bow - left, right, middle, or in the back - has different meanings and signals the status of the wearer. The bow right from the position of the wearer means the person is married or in a relationship, left means without a partner, the bow in the back is worn by widows, children, and the bow in the middle has no special meaning or means that the wearer simply doesn't want to signal anything. The most common knot used internationally in menswear...
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