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  • MBFW Berlin installation, 6 -8 Sept: Inflatable set of Thibaut Grevet's shooting for 'Airbag Concept' collection by Mercedes-Benz X Heron Preston From 6 to 8 September, the installation of inflatables from the shooting of photographer, filmmaker Thibaut Grevet for the 'Airbag Concept' collection by Mercedes-Benz X Heron Preston will be exhibited at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week during Berlin Fashion Week. MBFW Berlin focuses this year along to fashion films and shows in hybrid form (on site and livestream) of brands like Marc Cain or design labels such as Austrian Rebekka Ruètz or German Kilian Kerner on talks - on 7 September (accessible via livestream) about 'Rights: Human Rights and the Rights of Nature' with professionals like Fashion Revolution co-founder Carry Somers and on 8 September the talk with researchers from the fields technology and sustainable innovation about 'Revolution: Will Technology Save Us?'...

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  • recipe tip for accompanying coffee or tea: Gingerbread, almost sugar-free with almonds, bourbon-vanilla and an extra portion honey The last high-summerly warm days are over and the late summer season has started with comfortable temperatures of around 20° Celsius. Falling temperatures will also change the nutrition; so for example ice cream will be replaced in the next weeks more and more by pastry like cookies. recently visited Mariazell which is Austria's most important pilgrimage destination and famous for various products such as gingerbread. The recipe of the gingerbread tasted there is unfortunately a well secured secret. But the taste of the pastry - which is absolutely out of competition - was so inspiring that started an experiment and developed from various online published basic recipes a new one with the demand to create almost, in comparison to many basic recipes, sugar-free gingerbread-cookies with almonds and arancini...

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