15 December 2023

Top Articles 2023 in the 'Google Organic Search' traffic rankings: Women's art project in public space, Oscar winner filming in Vienna, Austrian designer's dresses,...

Earlier this week, Google Trends published the year in review for 2023 on, including global results such as the top clothing items searched for via Google Lens or the Google Maps results for the most searched museums.

Keywords are a topic at; but not for the journalistic work. Articles are written when something interesting happens that's worth being chronicled in the magazine on the domain of the same name. The culture magazine is about ways of living and thinking with a focus on lifestyle and fashion in Austria. Information about the keywords that lead users to the articles on is continuously provided by several sources, including Google, but also by the log file statistics of the magazine's technical hosting provider.

Today, took a closer look at the Google organic search traffic statistics for this year from January 1 to December 15, especially the articles with publication date 2023 that received the most clicks after users searched for more information.

The top articles of, publication date 2023 in the 'Organic Google Search Clicks' statistics:
(Audience 1 Jan - 15 Dec 2023: India 15.46%; China 11.70%; Austria 11.50%; United States 10.15; Bangladesh 7.16%; Indonesia 4.47%; Germany 3.84%; United Kingdom 2.89%; Brazil 2.47%; Netherlands 2.17%;...)


Year 2023: Social and environmental issues

Year 2023: Stylish Music Videos

Year 2023 Exhibitions: Top-ten topics

Year 2023:

How might evolve in 2024
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