TRENDLETTER 16-August-2022
Vienna Fashion Week, Fashion X Renewable Energies, Quiz,...

Portraits of participating designers of the upcoming MQ Vienna Fashion Week (12 - 17 Sept) presented under titles like 'Couture: Where gracefulness and timeless art come together' or 'Sustainability is key' In mid-August, MQ Vienna Fashion Week, traditionally the chicest Viennese event in early autumn respectively late summer, is in the starting blocks for the organization of the shows which happen this year from 12 until 17 September. One of the participating designers is Beverly Hills-based couturier Oliver Tolentino...

Fashion activism to raise awareness for the expansion of renewable energies: Austrian sustainable outdoor clothing, sportswear label Montreet presented fashion on a wind turbine The association of Austrian wind energy operators IG Windkraft (Interest Group Windkraft) and Vienna-based sustainable, unisex outdoor clothing & sportswear label Montreet (name derived from the words 'montagne' - mountain - and 'street') teamed up for a renewable energy awareness campaign. The fashion activism happened at the height of 135 meters on one of thirteen wind turbines of the Wien Energie windpark in Andlersdorf, Lower Austria which delivers electricity for over 27,000 households. The fashion was presented on the 'blade'-walk by members of the team of specialists for working in high altitudes, the 'Höhenarbeiter'... Quiz 15 August 2022 - Questions concerning Art-Jewelry Award, Art for the Protection of Water Resources, Art as Anti-War Symbol

Vienna Insight: Fashion pop-up by ciao.thelabel at the gastro-garden 'Palais Freiluft' in the garden of Palais Auersperg followed the invitation to an outdoor fashion presentation at the 'Palais Freiluft' in Vienna. Matching the holiday flair of the shared gastro-garden which appears like a globetrotter culinary tour, the new brand dedicated to the cosmopolitan-bohemian boho chic 'ciao.thelabel' has chosen the location and invited to the press presentation at the pop-up store-booth. visited the garden in the afternoon to meet label founder Nina Nossal before the rush got too big...

Film quiz inspired by the Max Brown Movie Nights screening programme for music lovers The new screening programme for the Movie Nights at the 30-seats Max Theatre of the Max Brown 7th District Hotel in Vienna is presented with citations from iconic movies. The upcoming film on 7th August gives the first hint of the special focus of the programme which is well curated for music lovers. was inspired by the Max Brown programme announcement and collected some questions concerning iconic fashion-related movies...

Exploring music and society through artworks by Jean-Michel Basquiat at exhibitions in New York City and Vienna Jean-Michel Basquiat stands for a new way of communicating social topics concerning inequality, racism, capitalism by using elements from music and art with dadaistic-automatic writing for an expressive mix. The artist, who lived from 1960 until 1988, implemented word raps from music (hip-hop), the dramaturgy of cartoon stories, and the dynamic painting style of street art for landing messages in a fast paced society flooded with media content. Basquiat was embedded into the cultural life of New York City and incorporated the city's vibrating esthetics into his artwork. In the early 1980s he appeared as the protagonist of this 'New York Beat' in the film 'Downtown 81'...

Fountain by the art group Gelatin on occasion of 150-years modern water supply in Vienna makes aware of people's responsibility to value and protect water resources The art initiative of the Department 'Wiener Wasser' (Vienna Water) of the City of Vienna and the institution 'KÖR - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum (Public Art Vienna) on occasion of next year's 150-years anniversary of the first water supply (24 October 1873) via a mountain spring pipeline from the Alps was started with a competition. Yesterday on 23 July, the winning art project for the jubilee fountain by the four-members art group Gelatin (aka Gelitin) - known internationally for provokant playful and often heavily discussed works - was presented with the first view of the model of the artwork...

Exploring the creation of identity at the exhibition '(Con)temporary Fashion Showcase: Susanne Bisovsky' at the MAK-branch Geymüllerschlössel from 11 June until 28 August 2022 The creation of identity is the core topic at the upcoming exhibition of the 2nd edition of the '(Con)temporary Fashion Showcase'-series at the MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna branch Geymüllerschlössel. Austrian award-winning designer Susanne Bisovsky explores since she moved around 30 years ago from Linz, Upper Austria to Vienna folk art, clothing and the history of Austria with focus on areas with relation to the country's capital.
At '(Con)temporary Fashion Showcase: Susanne Bisovsky', the designer presents her ideal-typical cosmopolitan woman as a kind of homage and idealized personification of her vision of Vienna. It's announced that the designer will present and sign her book 'Wiener Chic. Mode für eine große Stadt'...

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