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TRENDLETTER 22-March-2022

Viticulture, New Technologies, TEM,...

Wineries from the World Heritage Cultural Landscape Wachau invite to the special wine tasting days 'Wachau Wine Spring' Since the beginning of the pandemic, it's the first 'Wachauer Weinfrühling' (Wachau Wine Spring) event that's organized together with more than 100 vineries and an elaborated mobility concept with busses, trains and ferries on 30 April and 1 May. After the events in 2020 and 2021 had to be postponed, participation this year reached a record number of 111 wineries. The Wachau has due to its cultural landscape with focus on viticulture World Heritage status. The culture of vine is also in the focus at the tasting of the agricultural products of the region which are produced under quality criteria and labels such as Steinfeder or Smaragd which apply exclusively to vines grown in the Wachau... Style Tip Spring 2022 for Citizen Reporters: New technologies in fashion and beauty collected some pieces for the upcoming seasonal weather interplay of the first warm sun rays with April showers and the contemporary lifestyle of Citizen Reporters who spread with their documentary-journalistic-like reporting not only information about their own private lives, but also about important social or ecological issues. Using media tools like photos, videos for the publication via smartphones on social media for a possibly worldwide audience is an increasingly better trained cultural technique which includes publisher knowledge of the protection of the own privacy and the privacy of others or copyrights of authors. Since the war in Ukraine started on 24 February, social media and its users are going once again through an endurance test for proving the seriousness of the new pillar of the democratic distribution and reception of information...

Trending in Austria: Herbal exploration tours in alpine regions with professionals of Traditional European Medicine (TEM) 'The Healing Power of Herbs' is one of the latest topics published at the digital platform of the Austrian Tourist Office where touring trends from the country's nine federal states are collected. In the case of the herbal exploration hikes and workshops with focus on Traditional European Medicine (TEM), especially destinations in the alpine regions of Austria - Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Styria and Salzburg - are listed with closer information such as the events with TEM practitioner Eva Eisenmann in Saalfelden Leogang, Salzburg. "Arnica can be used externally for injuries such as a twisted ankle or sore muscles. Arnica tincture helps relieve sore throats..."

Circularity, nature protection in art and design: Jeweler Freywille presented the new collection 'Spirit of Vienna' at the apartment of artist, environmentalist Friedensreich Hundertwasser at Kunst Haus Wien followed the press invitation to the presentation of the new collection 'Spirit of Vienna' by fire-enamel jeweler Freywille in the private apartment of artist and environmentalist Friedensreich Hundertwasser at the Kunst Haus Wien in the 3rd district of Vienna. The press tour started at the ground floor with an introduction into the museum and the artist's environmental work. Kunst Haus Wien is located in a reconstructed building from 1892 and was opened in 1991 in the artist's iconic architecture. Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who died 22 years ago on 19 February 2000, was an early thinker of circularity, nature protection and the realization of green concepts in architecture and urban planning. His thoughts about the forestation of cities (keyword vertical gardening), the circle of life respectively recycling as answers to climate change, the exploitation of nature and the prevention of waste were groundbreaking in the early 1970ies and influenced the urban planning in Vienna...

Albertina Modern Instagram take-over by Ai Weiwei on 11 March on occasion of the retrospective 'Ai Weiwei. In Search of Humanity' from 16 March – 4 September 2022 in Vienna Chinese conceptual artist Ai Weiwei's take-over of started with a picture slideshow of the artist in the 1980s in New York City, continued by the video 'Colored Vases' adressing new views on culture and traditions. The take-over on 11 March happened on occasion of the retrospective about Ai Weiwei's activist-art with focus on the freedom of speech which will be exhibited from 16 March until 4 September under the title 'Ai Weiwei. In Search of Humanity'. Ai Weiwei's campaign #RunForOurRights is part of the exhibition and the upcoming flash mob...

Tip for a tour through Vienna: Exhibitions of the 'Foto Wien' festival showcase photographic works from the fields art, reportage, fashion,... at more than 140 locations Number 1 on the map is the festival center located at Atelier Augarten where exhibitions like 'Focus Women Photographers' showing works by ten international women photographers such as Pixy Liao, whose 'Red Nails' photo is also used as this year's festival sujet, happen. Each of the 'Focus Women Photographers' tell their own story about today's society from an individual perspective...

Help transports for Ukraine from the streets to the railway: Truck route for the aid project by Ewa Herzog X Marina Hoermanseder is continued on the tracks of Deutsche Bahn At the end of February, German based designer with Ukrainian roots Ewa Herzog and Austrian in Berlin based designer Marina Hoermanseder teamed up for the aid initiative together with Ukrainian truck drivers who brought the goods for the Ukrainian population from Germany and Austria to cities like Kiev, Lviv, Lutsk or Kharkiv. According to the latest media release, around 600 tons of goods like medicines for hospitals, warm clothing, hygiene items and food were delivered in the last weeks...

Playlist by 2022 curated by Karin Sawetz

Latest Posts archive

21 Mar 2022 - Music new version of 'Native Intelligence' by Danny Elfman ft. Trent Reznor on vocals

21 Mar 2022 - The Guardian (with video) "David Beckham hands his Instagram Stories account to doctor in Ukraine"

20 Mar 2022 - BBC News (Instagram): Interviews with dressmakers and insights into a bridal fashion workshop where now camouflage outfits for the war in Ukraine are made

20 Mar 2022 - The New York Times (Instagram) presents citizens of Kyiv photographed by Alexander Chekmenev such as artists who deliver medicine by bicycle, car, or an organ-transplant surgeon who treats now wounded people...

18 Mar 2022 - Music (upcoming video release today) 'Candy' by Rosalia, album 'Motomami' (album released today)


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