TRENDLETTER 22-September-2022
Handmade Fashion, Sci-Fi Film & Food, Repair Festival,...

From the MQ Vienna Fashion Week runway directly to the international shop 'Meisterstrasse Handmade': A closer look at the nature and culture related collections of designers from Thailand After the 'THAIdentity Night' shows at the MQ Vienna Fashion Week, the Director of the Office of Commercial Affairs (DITP), Royal Thai Embassy Vienna, Ms. Onanood Phadoongvithee invited to the presentation of fashion items which are now available at the international craftsmanship specialist platform 'Meisterstrasse Handmade'. visited the showroom of Meisterstrasse Handmade for a closer look at the collections of young designers like Marionsiam, Kram Phon, or Riva...

Vienna Insights: The sci-fi movie 'Rubikon' about planet earth at risk, a space station and researches on algae collaborated with algae food-start-up 'Spirulix' for the premiere at the Gartenbau Kino The Austrian algae food brand 'Spirulix' was recently selected for the Sial Innovation Awards 2022 of the international food fair Sial Paris. In mid-September, Spirulix appeared as sponsor and partner of the Vienna premiere of the sci-fi movie 'Rubikon'. The film was produced during the pandemic in 2020 and had its world premiere already this summer in July. The story takes place in the year 2056 on a space station where scientists are researching algae for providing oxygen and food on earth. The astronauts become witnesses of a catastrophe on earth which causes the covering of the planet with a toxic smog...

Preview of fashion related lectures, workshops and city walks of the diverse programme of Vienna's first 're:pair' festival (15 Oct - 6 Nov 2022) Vienna's first 're:pair' festival happening from 15 October until 6 November at the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art Volkskundemuseum received in August, early September attention by media with short articles about the intention of the event to longer interviews with the initiator of the festival Tina Zickler such as at the magazine for sustainable lifestyle 'Biorama' where Zickler provides the outlook that the festival in 2023 will focus on fashion. Already the first edition of the 're:pair' festival in 2022 has a strong focus on fashion...

Austrian nature touring association 'Naturfreunde' presents a new vegan and plant-based kitchen at the Hofgasteinerhaus at 2,000 meters in Bad Hofgastein The association 'Naturfreunde' (Nature Friends) was founded 127 years ago in 1895 by a group consisting of a teacher, a metal worker and two students - among them Karl Renner who became as politician from the Social Democratic Workers' Party one of the most important heads for building Austria's Second Republic and was Austria's first President of the Second Republic after World War II - with the goal to make nature and the experience of the country's landscape accessible for all parts of society...

rebekka ruétz SS23 collection inspired by the nature and landscape of the Tyrolean valley Zillertal premiered on the runway at Berlin Fashion Week and with fashion film "There is no better teacher than nature when it comes to perfect color combinations and the mix of different materials," explains Tyrolean designer Rebekka Ruetz in the press release her approach to the development of the new Spring/Summer 2023 collection of her eponymous label rebekka ruétz. The collection with the title 'friederIKE' premiered this week on the runway at the Berlin Fashion Week...

Ludwig Reiter presented Autumn/Winter shoes and bags collection with booklet for providing glimpses into the development of designs from Austrian crafts & design archives The Austrian shoes, bags, accessories brand Ludwig Reiter presented the new lookbook in the form of a booklet with insights into the history of the company (founded 1885) and the design of the season's key pieces such as the 'Franz Schulz' bag which carries the name of the Viennese craftsman Franz Schulz...

Vienna Design Week presents new ways of cooperations between consumers and stores, handicraft, repair businesses at the fashion related 'Dare to Share and Wear' project from 16 to 25 September Fashion, design and shopping are topics of one of the projects of this year's 'Stadtarbeit'. The programme format is an important pillar of Vienna Design Week for bringing together players from various fields like trade, creative industries and consumers. Central at the Stadtarbeit projects is the players' interactivity for the development of new strategies for a better future such as at the 'Dare to Share and Wear, Mariahüf!' mobile fashion swap along the Mariahilfer Strasse. The shopping street is strongly associated with fast fashion. The idea and concept behind the project on wheels for a 'Fashion Revolution' - such as it's introduced at the press release - was developed by Nina Sandino and Alexandra Fruhstorfer. The vehicle with the name OMG! (Open Mobile Garment!) will...

Sporty 'runway' for trachten wearers at the 'Trachtenlauf' at the 'Kaiser Wiesn' festival in Vienna 'I run with you - You run with me' (I renn mit Dir - Du rennst mit mir) is the motto of the pair run event 'Trachtenlauf' with dress code 'Trachten' (traditional Middle-European clothing) on 24 September on occasion of the 'Kaiser Wiesn' October festival which happens at the name-giving 'Kaiserwiese' from 22 September until 9 October 2022 near the Viennese Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater...

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