TRENDLETTER 3-October-2022
Fashion related Tour, Art X Fashion, Swap X Consumption Critical Show,...

Fashion related tour in Vienna on occasion of the European Day of Conservation-Restoration on 16 October leads to a Middle Ages dance hall of a cloth merchant from around 1400 Wien Museum released a tour programme happening at five branches of the museum on occasion of the European Day of Conservation-Restoration on 16 October. One of the locations is the Neidhart Festsaal with the Neidhart frescoes at the Tuchlauben. The paintings visualizing the songs of minnesinger Neidhart von Reuental (around 1180 - 1240) were applied in around 1400 to the walls of the dance hall of cloth merchant Michel Menschein who was a socially high-ranking 'Laubenherr'. The title 'Laubenherr' designated the merchants who had the privilege to...

The image of women in art and fashion presented at the exhibition 'Look' at the Heidi Horten Collection in Vienna (21 October 2022 - 16 April 2023) The upcoming exhibition 'Look' at the Heidi Horten Collection in Vienna will throw light on the life of museum founder Heidi Horten as art collector and her fashion looks, especially of haute couture pieces made for the collector by Christian Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Patou and Jean-Louis Scherrer. The exhibition focuses on fashion from the 1980s, a time when the discussions held in the second wave of feminism in the 60s/70s concerning the 'image of women', an image that was created mostly by men in popular culture, media and advertising, in art and fashion, had resulted already in visual representations corresponding with the new roles of self-determined women. Fashion reinforced the changes in society. Couturiers like...

Upcoming dates of the design, food and lifestyle market Fesch'markt including fashion swap on occasion of the consumption critical exhibition 'We Love Our Customers' at the Kunst Haus Wien The next dates of the Austrian wide traveling design, food and lifestyle market Fesch'markt with stops in Graz (14 - 16 October), Vienna (11 - 13 November) and Feldkirch in Vorarlberg (9 - 11 December) were published recently including the regularly organized fashion swap Fesch'Kleidertauschbörse which will happen this time as one of the special events of the consumption critical exhibition 'We Love Our Customers' on 28 and 29 October at the Kunst Haus Wien...

Preview of fashion related lectures, workshops and city walks of the diverse programme of Vienna's first 're:pair' festival (15 Oct - 6 Nov 2022) Vienna's first 're:pair' festival happening from 15 October until 6 November at the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art Volkskundemuseum received in August, early September attention by media with short articles about the intention of the event to longer interviews with the initiator of the festival Tina Zickler such as at the magazine for sustainable lifestyle 'Biorama' where Zickler provides the outlook that the festival in 2023 will focus on fashion. Already the first edition of the 're:pair' festival in 2022 has a strong focus on fashion...

From the MQ Vienna Fashion Week runway directly to the international shop 'Meisterstrasse Handmade': A closer look at the nature and culture related collections of designers from Thailand After the 'THAIdentity Night' shows at the MQ Vienna Fashion Week, the Director of the Office of Commercial Affairs (DITP), Royal Thai Embassy Vienna, Ms. Onanood Phadoongvithee invited to the presentation of fashion items which are now available at the international craftsmanship specialist platform 'Meisterstrasse Handmade'. visited the showroom of Meisterstrasse Handmade for a closer look at the collections of young designers like Marionsiam, Kram Phon, or Riva...

Vienna Insights: The sci-fi movie 'Rubikon' about planet earth at risk, a space station and researches on algae collaborated with algae food-start-up 'Spirulix' for the premiere at the Gartenbau Kino The Austrian algae food brand 'Spirulix' was recently selected for the Sial Innovation Awards 2022 of the international food fair Sial Paris. In mid-September, Spirulix appeared as sponsor and partner of the Vienna premiere of the sci-fi movie 'Rubikon'. The film was produced during the pandemic in 2020 and had its world premiere already this summer in July. The story takes place in the year 2056 on a space station where scientists are researching algae for providing oxygen and food on earth. The astronauts become witnesses of a catastrophe on earth which causes the covering of the planet with a toxic smog...'s one pot recipe with oriental seasoning: Lentil pan with carrots, red peppers and chicken, spiced with cumin and cinnamon tested a new recipe for the second time in two weeks. Both times it has been well received by different 'eaters' with different tastes and preferences. The recipe is on the best way to become a favorite - for various sorts of good reasons. The advantage of the meal is that a quantity of 6 portions can be prepared relatively quickly and energy-saving in about 20 minutes cooking time in one pot and tastes - like chili con carne or goulash - even better the next day. It's an ideal dish for intergenerational get-togethers, meetings with friends, or simply if you need to cook for two days in advance. The lentil pan with oriental seasoning can be quickly reheated... one pot recipe in time with pumpkin harvest season in Austria: Pumpkin puree with salmon The pumpkin season in Austria begins at the end of August with the start of the harvest of the vegetable, which is rich in beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamin B, iron and potassium. used a hokkaido pumpkin for a puree after a self-created recipe which was developed from standard recipes for the popular Styrian Pumpkin Cream Soup. The puree was served with salmon. It's an easy recipe with only one challenge: The cutting of the pumpkin in two halves!

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