SS2000 collection

Today, at 29 years old, this talented Chilean shows an exemplary career: after taking courses in Plastic Arts at the "Beaux Arts"-Museum of Santiago, he studied styllism at the higher Institute of Sciences and Arts in the same city. Whilst working on specific projects for personla customers, Octavio decided to establish his own Couture House in 1994. This activity took many cities linked with the world of fashion design and creation, which gave him the desire to discover new horizons. This wish was granted in 1997 when he became assistant to Bernard PERRIS for the JEAN-LOUIS SCHERRER Pret-à-porter collection. Since 1998, Jacques FATH Couture and accessoiries design has been entrusted to Octavio PIZZARO. Whilst conserving the Jacques Fath style, he adds sense of rythm and colour heavily influenced by his native origins, which enhances and underlines the elegant and refined silhouette of the Jacques Fath woman.

45, avenue Victor Hugo
France - 75116 Paris
tel. 0033 1 41272300
fax 0033 1 41272319