To realize a wish, sometimes it only has to be expressed
"Make your fashion wish 2004"
“What is your unfulfilled fashion wish? Which clothes and accessories you would like and haven't found yet.”

fashion designer BOTTOMS

  1. My first fashion wish is that every woman on earth would learn to appreciate them selves more. Every woman is beautiful one way or the other, but very often they are not very self confident. I want them to show that they are feminine and sensuous. I want them to move their body’s, and swing their hips: to grow inside and believe in that they are something special, because they are.
  2. My second fashion wish is to invent a fabric that change colours after your mood. Then it would be more easy for your surroundings to read your mood.
  3. My third and last fashion wish is that the third countries will open their eyes more to the fact that the garment industries is making a lot of pollution, and also thy will start to make a better environment for the workers. But that will also mean that the prices would go up on garments, and I wonder if the consumers is ready to pay for that. next fashion wish>>>