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Ingrid Loschek (Dr. phil.) is one of the most well-known fashion-experts in Germany. She has written a number of publications, such as: Mode-Designer (Beck 22002); Fashion of the Century. Chronik der Mode von 1900 bis heute (Battenberg 2001); Reclams Mode- und Kostümlexikon (Reclam 41999); Accessoires. Symbolik und Geschichte (Bruckmann, 1993); Mode - Verführung und Notwendigkeit (Bruckmann 1991) as well as numerous articles and features. She lectures widely on subjects like "Fashion and Art", "Fashion and Politics" etc.
Ingrid Loschek holds a professorship of history and theory of fashion at the University of Applied Sciences in Pforzheim, Germany. In 1995 she has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA and in 1998 she received the Europäische Mode-Initiativpreis der Kultur-Fördergemeinschaft der Europäischen Wirtschaft. She is also a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums).


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