To realize a wish, sometimes it only has to be expressed
"Make your fashion wish 2004"
“What is your unfulfilled fashion wish? Which clothes and accessories you would like and haven't found yet.”

fashion designer

"As a designer, I wish that people would express themselves in a fashion matter that reflects their personality and character and not someone else’s idea of fashion. Wear clothing that you feel comfortable in – no matter the color or style. Wear something that is true to your heart. People do not need to stick to the current trends or fads, they need to feel good in what they are wearing.

People watching is one of my favorite hobbies in addition to being my biggest source of inspiration. However, I can only watch the same style of fashion go by so many times before I start wondering: “What’s wrong with people”. How can one create the new if all one sees is the old? We all have the ability to escape the ordinary, to transform ourselves into unique individuals. Give yourself a chance to become that individual." next fashion wish>>>