collection 99/2000

Stéphane ROLLAND was born in PARIS but, having spent his childhood in the South of FRANCE, he still keeps in his heart its colours and warm expressiveness.

His personnality has been moulded by his double culture : old french aristocracy on his fatherside, marked with the sens of true traditional values coupled with a great attraction for every form of art - from his motherside he takes the Northafrican warmth, the mediterranean liveliness, the sens of reality and human contacts. From 14 to 18 years, living in South America and West Indies he discovers a totally different lifestyle, colourful, sensual, which still inspires him today.

Later, after 2 years of studies at the Chambre Syndicale de la couture Parisienne, he is engaged as designer by BALENCIAGA, where he learns the structures of the cutting out, the hang of beautiful fabrics, the refinement of the. detail.

And furthermore, the respect for the craftsmen weavers, embroiderers,workroomchiefs and the << petites mains >>, building together the Haute Couture legend.

In 1991, only being 25 years old, he feels ready to "stand on his own feet" and forms his Company. Careful, he chooses an original gate to enter into the READY-TO-WEAR world: the exclusive rights to design and manufacture the "PIERRE BALMAIN UNIFORMES". For 4 years, he will take care of the image of more than 170 companies (from EUROTUNNEL to FILM FESTIVAL OF CANNES). In March 1995, the Fédération Francaise de la Couture Parisienne offers him the opportunity to present his first Fall/Winter Ready-to-Wear collection. Progressively his Ready-to-Wear line will be sold in 80 salepoints around the world. From now on, Stéphane ROLLAND will bring to the Fashion House of JEAN LOUIS SCHERRER the modernity as well as the feminity of his creativity.

He is 33 years old and LION astrological sign.

TEL. : 0033 1 42 99 05 79; 56 59 98 43
FAX : 0033 1 42 99 05 05