Which are the three endurance disciplines of one form of sport that allows the competition of mixed gender teams?

Triathlon competitions consist of swimming, cycling and running. Alongside to men- and women-only events, some races allow even mixed teams.

In late January 2014, water sports brand Aqua Sphere sent the latest statistics about triathlon; according to the 'Deutsche Triathlon Union' around 200.000 people are triathlon athletes in Germany - with increasing tendencies. 6-years old children can test the sport at age-specific triathlon competitions: 20 metres swimming, 500 metres running and 1 kilometre cycling.

fig.: British triathlete Rachel Joyce in 'Racer' suit by Aqua Sphere. Rachel Joyce started her professional sports career as swimmer. She made the 2nd place at the Ironman World Championships 2013, 1st (Course record) at Ironman Texas 2013... Below, the 'Phantom' and 'Racer' wetsuits for men by Aqua Sphere. The triathlon collection will come into sport stores in February 2014. Photos: Aqua Sphere.

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