Fair produced dress with art print and Fashion Revolution Day ...presented and bespoken at the summer 2014 catalogue by Grüne Erde; the label's name means translated Green Earth. The comfortable wide, short-sleeve dress' print shows typical, almost archaic symbols like spirals and circles which stand for the waves of water and the circle of life. Right above the color field in the skirt part of the dress, the portrait of a woman; she wears a Jugendstil dress which could be favored by Gustav Klimt too; the painter was famous for dressing up his protagonists with fashion which was made of rich illustrated fabrics; and the closer view certifies the assumption: the print is the reproduction of Gustav Klimt's 'Portrait of Eugenia Primaesi'. The first mentioned color field at Grüne Erde's skirt part of the dress shows the art work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser who visualized the 60s/70s nature movement as painter and architect with irregular, natural forms. Both artists, Klimt and Hundertwasser were pioneers at their times and supported the change of thinking for a new society. The Austrian headquartered fashion, beauty, furniture and home accessories label and European store chain Grüne Erde sent the catalogue in early April 2014 with introducing words by CEO Reinhard Kepplinger who writes about 'Fashion Revolution Day' on 24 April 2014 and certified fashion products. The day makes aware of production methods and social standards in fashion under the motto "Who made your clothes?". On the organization's website fashionrevolution.org, people are invited to become active via social media (#InsideOut @Fash_Rev). | |