Field fun outfits for September/October in Central Europe

Each year, fashion, shoe, jewellery and beauty labels are sending looks for the annual beer parties called 'Wiesn Gaudi' (transl. 'Field Fun' also known as 'Oktoberfest') in Central Europe.

The styles' basis is the regional tracht (or rural clothing) which hasn't changed over hundreds of years its focus on the baroque form for the accentuation of the female body. Even when the basis stays, the fashion of the female tracht dress (the 'dirndl') changes constantly.

Perhaps events like the latest dirndl parade at the Austrian Formula 1 Grand Prix in Spielberg influence seasonal trends as much as creations by designers such as seen at the collection of classical dirndls in elegant simplicity without too many decorations by Salzburg-based trachten design label Ploom. (The photo on this page was sent as 'October Party' style tip in July 2014: dirndl in dark blue with red-pink apron and white blouse).

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