Triumph collaborates with designer shows FW14/15 at Fashion Week Berlin

On 8 January 2014, bodywear brand Triumph sent the information about the collaboration with Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin. From 14 until 17 January 2014, Triumph will provide bras, panties, slips and other lingerie pieces for the Fall/Winter 2014/15 runway shows at the fashion week's main venue, the tent at the 'Straße des 17. Junis'. Additionally, MBFWBerlin's official 'Catwalk Lingerie Supplier' will present a time travel through the history of underwear in an exhibition at Berlin Fashion Week. On Facebook, the label (founded 1886) posts regularly photos from the company's archive such as on view at the embed post on this page.

Fashionoffice looked through the Spring/Summer 2014 lingerie to get an impression which items could be favored by designers and stylists for outfits such as narrow dresses, t-shirts/jeans combinations or the sporty-elegant look.

fig. right: Bra (breathable cup material) and tai in white from the Body Make-Up Lace SS2014 line by Triumph. The lace is very flat which allows wearing the lingerie even under narrow, light clothing.

fig. below: Bra and tai in peach beige from the Essential Essence SS2014 line by Triumph. The pieces are designed especially for t-shirts and slim fitting outfits.

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