Men's style for on-the-go

At the end of October 2014, it's getting colder and colder in Vienna. But freezing temperatures don't hinder the Viennese to use their bikes - and not only because it's comfortable (less stress) to move as cyclist through the city. Recently, Fashionoffice received some health tips by Dr. Andreas Dobrovits (specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery); one of the tips concerns sport which is an integral part of his life. His goal is to find once a day time for exercises: 1-2 times a week, Dr. Dobrovits rides with the bicycle to work, he doesn't use the elevator, and he makes exercises (rowing machine or stationary bike) before relaxing after work on the couch. With these tips in mind, the following items were collected from the latest press news which were sent to Fashionoffice.

  • Center piece of the style for on-the-go is the foldable bike Verge X20 by Tern (seen at Trek Bicycle Vienna) which can be transported easily on train, subway or buses (for longer distances or when a heavy rain shower comes down).
  • Nature inspired ornaments are the key visuals on this page; the (unisex-)boot 'Core Print - Tan Tattoo Sleeve' by Dr. Martens is from the new Spring/Summer 2015 collection. The concept of the shoe originates from the idea of orthopedic footwear with air-cushioned sole for comfortable walking. The floral design of the boot is inspired by the heavily inked tattoo skin of US hardcore musicians; incorporated are classical Japanese tattoo symbols like flowers and the koi carp.
  • The golden 'Metallic Allover' knee-socks are from the 'Luxury Line' by Falke and one of the label's Xmas specials.
  • The jacket and the watch are from the 'Ornate' capsule collection by Nixon in collaboration with Brooklyn-based illustrator, artist and wallpaper designer Dan Funderburgh who speaks at a video about his work on occasion of the launch of the products in late October. Funderburgh's designs make think of heraldic symbols and florals of crests; the symbols on the items are - when looking closely, boards (surf, skate) inspired by the Californian heritage of Nixon.
  • The Alpine herbs (apples with fennel, lemon grass, blackberry leaves...) in a pyramid are from the 'foursenses' natural tea line by Teekanne (launched in October 2014) and a good choice when coming home from a bike ride on a cold day.

    Photos: (C) The mentioned labels.

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