Recipe for Choco-Mint-Cooler Smoothie
Kenwood presents the mixer 'Smoothie 2GO' with new recipes such as for the Choco-Mint-Cooler Smoothie with chocolate ice cream, milk and peppermint. Easy to mix!
Ingredients: (for 2 - 3 portions)
- 475 ml milk, ice cold
- 5 small chocolate ice cream scoops (250g)
- A few drops of peppermint essence, after taste
- Fill milk and peppermint essence into the mixing bowl and add the ice cream
- Mingle the milk, choco ice, and mint at level 1 for 20 seconds and then mix the mass at level 2 for 10 sec. The creamy smoothie is ready!
fig.: The image above shows the Choco-Mint-Cooler, recipe provided by Kenwood Austria together with the mixer Smoothie 2GO SB055 (for affordable 39,99 Euro). On the website of Kenwood, several recipes such as Banana Shake, Pear-Pineapple Drops, or Ginger Smoothie are published (checked on 2 May 2013).

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