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Cosmopolis 1, Microcosmos x Macrocosmos
Works from ten countries of the South-Eastern Europe are presented in Thessaloniki from December 17 until February 13, 2005.
fig.: Son: DA, «Room», computer drawing , 2003, (Slovenia)

"Perhaps this is the area where the term "cosmopolitan" is most fitting; a person constantly travelling and "adopting" customs from foreign cultures or a person with a world vision who considers the whole world as his homeland. While preserving the historical and renowned meaning of the world "Cosmopolis", we believe that Thessaloniki, a historical south-eastern European city (which celebrated its 2300 years in 1985) can evolve into a representative of this timeless apprehension, exposing the contemporary scenes of Balkan countries through the multitude of their artistic pursuits." Miltiades M. Papanikolaou Professor, Director of the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki more culture>>>

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