a photographic discourse
10 august - 2 september 2001 upper floor
The medium
of photography, placed in the context of painting, sculpture, installation,
and video, as well as transgressions and encompassing media concepts
are the subject of sophisticated artistic discussions at the beginning
of this new millennium.
The exhibition transgression is dedicated to these discourse strategies.
By shedding light on individual artistic positions and comparing different
approaches, it intends to illustrate artistic concepts which defy purist
categorizing attempts and develop their own parameters. The show does
not revolve around pure photography used for documentary purposes or
newspaper reporting, but refers to photography situated in the fringe
area of media.
transgression designates the transition from one state to the other
but also the act of exceeding a limit, even the act of committing an
offense, as well as the act of defying conventions and leaving a sheltered
realm. The exhibition aims at articulating photography in its transgressing
dimension, in its adaptability, in its boundless capacity to describe
the (one) world. A call for tenders will confront the positions and
concepts developed by young international artists with those of the
Künstlerhaus artists.
Curator: Margit
fig: Akt 1993/94, copyright Österreichische Fotogalerie, Rupertinum
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