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VERNICE: Pathways through Young Italian Painting
Villa Manin, Passariano, piazzale Manin 10
30th May to 7th November 2004
curators: Francesco Bonami, Sarah Cosulich Canarutto

Atropin, 2000. Olio su lino - 100 x 70 cm
Collezione Privata. Courtesy Studio Guenzani, Milano. Foto: Roberto Marossi

Vernice is both an investigation and an analysis of painting through the work of twenty-four young Italian artists. The exhibition aims to further the viewer’s understanding of how the pictorial language has been transformed over time. The influence of technology and new modes of communication, from the internet to images from the media have changed both the subject of painting and
its relationship with the symbolic space of the canvas. more culture>>>

It is interesting to observe how this new generation of artists, born after 1960, choose to work within the static and two-dimensional framework of painting and drawing, in a world where interactive and multimedia approaches are more often than not the sanctioned choice. The title itself, Pathways through Young Italian Painting suggests that within contemporary painting there is a multiplicity
of possible interpretations. Furthermore, painting’s relationship with other contemporary artistic languages must always be considered.


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