5 November – 18 December 2005
Video Forum at NBK
Artists: Loulou Cherinet (Ethiopia/Sweden), Lu Chunsheng
(China), Cinema Suitcase (The Netherlands), Bjørn Melhus (Germany),
Chloe Piene (USA), Mike Sale (Great Britain/Germany), Rommelo Yu (Philippines/Germany),
Akram Zaatari (Lebanon)
Chloe Piene: Little David, 1999 (video still)
Chloe Piene's 9 year old actor imitates an aggressive man.
for the initiation of the body, structures of behavior, and the play
with gender roles are the themes of this exhibition. The presented videos
are a kind of social snapshot how the diverse concepts of masculinity
and our society interplay and influence male socialisation, youth cultures
and mediatisation. more culture>>>