The magazine's style articles for men or women are inspired by culture productions that happen around the perception of Fashionoffice. In 2010, it had often been music productions that influenced the editorial work of the magazine.
In March 2010, it was Bobby Womack who sings "Electric is the love" on 'Stylo' from Gorillaz' album 'Plastic Beach'. In the first time of its release, the accompanying video for the song was (officially) blocked for users in the region where Fashionoffice is headquartered. Every editorial global publication that writes about music productions handles with such prohibitions daily.
And this has nothing to do with the reason why a YouTube-user posts on 24 Dec under the 'Stylo'-video (probably a Christmas wish): "...get your corporate little asses off youtube!" Some music labels have a country-release date publication mode, which is sometimes annoying. And so it comes that people in some countries are set onto the quasi-'B-list' because of copyright policies.
Normally, the problem of blocked content is resolved after some time; like in the case of the 'Stylo'-video.
The desert-road video inspired Fashionoffice for a collection of pieces made of vibrating electrifying neon-colors - especially fruity apple green with plastic appeal, for the men's wear beach-sport article 'Men in vibrating colors!'.