Top Content on Fashionoffice
Last 7 days, generated on 30 March 2014 at 18:00 (AddThis, Google Analytics, Blogger, FeedBurner and additional traffic data by Adsense, Quantcast and Pinterest). Most shared via Social Media: the cover page of Fashionoffice's beauty channel on the domain
Top Content measured via AddThis (most shared) during past week:
- Beautyme - magazine
- Mast walk by sailor Alex Thomson for Hugo Boss; the mast of a sail boat used as catwalk
- Pineapples, toucans and garden flowers on classical adidas women's wear for SS2014, Google Analytics
Reports generated on today (23 - 30 March 2014; articles on and pageviews counted by Google Analytics (generated today for last week 23 - 29 March 2014, webpages on the main domains of Fashionoffice,,,
Today, the Google FeedBurner statistics for the last 7 days from 23 - 29 March 2014 calculated 1,050 views of 59 items,
8,778 clicks back to the site on 207 items.
On top of the FeedBurner/Fashionoffice popularity ranking (views/clicks):
- #Music Madison's 'Start A Fire' (used f… 41 / 441
- #AmnestyInternational "President Obama,… 41 / 431
- #Music video Lady Gaga 'G.U.Y', The Gua… 37 / 427
- My olfactory association with hotel #So… 41 / 381
- #Music video 'Black Stone' by Ume, albu… 41 / 380
Fashionoffice's short messages from the temporarily published Fashion Feeds items can be found at the magazine's permanent (chronological) archive on
Adsense, Pinterest, Quantcast
Adsense counted
2,632 ad requests and 9 clicks (23 - 29 March 2014).
The pins on the magazine's world map page on Pinterest appeared 14,721 times (23 - 29 March, Pinterest Analytics) in search results, boards, etc. and reached - from this single page - 9,338 people (counted daily - average 1,334) who saw pins by Fashionoffice.
1,119 people were counted by Quantcast for Fashionoffice's own domains between 23 - 29 March 2014.
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