14 December 2016
Top Fashionoffice articles via Social Media tools in 2016
Recently published results of most favorite articles in 2016, so far:
Fashionoffice carries various scripts of third parties; one of them is the service 'AddThis' which provides tools for Social Media and their statistical data. The analytics can be divided into the categories 'Visits', 'Shares' or 'Follows'. The top articles in these three categories over the year (measured from 1 January untl 14 December) are:
Visits (Top Social Sources: Facebook, Pinterest, Baidu,...) |
Vienna Insight: 'Los Austriacos' by Tiberius designer Marcos Valenzuela Marcos Valenzuela pays homage to Austrian culture and lifestyle under the title 'Los Austriacos'... |
Shares (Top Services:
Facebook...) |
Comic-heroes starring in fashion
US label Stetson presents the special 'Gotham Collection'... fashionoffice.org/culture/2011/stetson9-2011.htm |
Follows (Top Services: Facebook,
Twitter...) |
Preview Wiener Schmucktage (Vienna Jewelry Days) 2016
From 8 to 12 November, jewelers, curators and culture institutions will provide insights into the art and science of... |
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