Top (most popular, most viewed)
Fashionoffice content in May 2017
Generated on 1 June 2017 for last month. Statistics generated via LogFiles, Google Analytics,, FeedBurner, AddThis, Twitter and additional traffic data (geography) by Quantcast.
Audience (Fashionoffice's own domains):
United States, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, China, Netherlands,...
Explanation: The three pageview rankings start with the articles with the highest amount of traffic. The data are measured via
1. table: LogFiles
2. table:
3. table: Google Analytics
The article about the exhibition 'Otto Dix' is the one with the highest traffic (pageviews measured via LogFiles).
Geography: Articles measured via on Blogspot were viewed by users from US, AT, DE... which is similar to the audience data for the own domains. Another image of Fashionoffice shows Google Analytics which measures that the most pageviews of the top articles (after pageview ranking according to Google Analytics) come from Austria over the network domain; clicks from for example the FashionFeeds on the articles haven't any influence on GA pageview data.
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