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Top Content by Fashionoffice, last 7 days

Generated on 16 September 2017. Statistics by Google Analytics, Blogger, Feedburner, Twitter, AddThis.

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Most viewed Fashionoffice articles (on Blogger/Blogspot and own domains like
(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics and via

'The Fight for the Castle' by Fashionoffice publisher Karin Sawetz Currently, the rally for getting the people's votes at the legislative election on 15 October is in full speed...

Fashionoffice Autumn17 tip: Wind & weather pirate style The wind and weather pirate is covered by a smoky rum-chocolate fragrance from 'The Contemporary Collection' by...

Marina Hoermanseder party with 71-years old 'Austria's Next Topmodel' host Eveline Hall at Peek & Cloppenburg The department store chain invited to the soirée in Vienna...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on FashionFeeds (Feedburner)
Vienna Insight: Designer Lola Paltinger presented dirndl dresses for Munich Beer Festival 'Oktoberfest' 2017 The exclusive HSE24 line 'Himmelblau' by Lola Paltinger...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)
'The Fight for the Castle' by Fashionoffice publisher Karin Sawetz Currently, the rally for getting the people's votes at the legislative election on 15 October is in full speed...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Marina Hoermanseder party with 71-years old 'Austria's Next Topmodel' host Eveline Hall at Peek & Cloppenburg The department store chain invited to the soirée in Vienna...

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