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Generated on 18 February 2017. Statistics by Blogger, Google Analytics, Feedburner, Twitter, Add This.

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Most viewed Fashionoffice articles (on own domains like and on Blogger/Blogspot)
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Closer view at Lady Gaga's sunglasses worn at the new 'John Wayne' video The story can be described as sexy, witty hell ride of a badass couple on a horse, on motorbikes...

Campaign for equality and diversity #MakeLoveNotWalls by David LaChapelle for Diesel The term 'walls' stands for mental (such as concerning the definition of gender) as well...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on FashionFeeds (Feedburner)
Closer view at Lady Gaga's sunglasses worn at the new 'John Wayne' video The story can be described as sexy, witty hell ride of a badass couple on a horse, on motorbikes...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)
Closer view at Lady Gaga's sunglasses worn at the new 'John Wayne' video The story can be described as sexy, witty hell ride of a badass couple on a horse, on motorbikes...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)
Tezenis bras are decorated with instruction-like patches The Tezenis SS2017 triangle bra collection shows items like the pink one with an arrow, a star and 'Love - this' writing...

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