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Top Content by Fashionoffice, last 7 days

Generated on 29 June 2018. Statistics by Feedburner, Twitter, AddThis, Google Analytics.

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United States, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands,...

Top performing Fashionoffice article (views/clicks) on FashionFeeds (Feedburner)
Art and artificial intelligence are themes at Innsbruck (Tirol, Austria) based fashion school 'Modeferrari' Presenter at the show will be Austrian TV-celebrity Alfons Haider...

Top performing on 'Fashion Tweets' (Twitter)
Tip: Skin care range of 'The Ordinary' with products such as the exfoliating AHA 30% solution, the so-called 'Vampire Peeling' now available also in Vienna...

Top article on Fashionoffice domains (visits measured via AddThis)

Preview 'esmara by Heidi Klum' Summer 18 collection #LETSLOVESUMMER for Lidl ...inspired by bohemian style and the lifestyle of California, Heidi Klum's home of choice...

Most viewed Fashionoffice articles (published on own domains like
(past 7 days; ranking after pageviews measured by Google Analytics)

Preview 'esmara by Heidi Klum' Summer 18 collection #LETSLOVESUMMER for Lidl ...inspired by bohemian style and the lifestyle of California, Heidi Klum's home of choice...

BSP Business School Berlin adds Fashion Journalism to bachelor studies; launch with Dandy Diary On 6 July during Berlin Fashion Week, the school's own brand b.a.r.e. ...

Art and artificial intelligence are themes at Innsbruck (Tirol, Austria) based fashion school 'Modeferrari' Presenter at the show will be Austrian TV-celebrity Alfons Haider...

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