October 2013 - V: Jakarta Fashion Week; Makeup and Hair Trends; Streetstyle Photos;...
Fashionoffice's SHORT MESSAGES from the temporarily published FashionFeeds items can be found at the magazine's permanent (chronological) archive on fashion.at/mobile.
Albert Yanuar
...is one of the up and coming designers featured by Indonesia Fashion Forward (IFF) on the opening day of Jakarta Fashion Week 2014...
Aveda's looks from cyber-gothic-punk to nature-berry-country
...for FW2013/14. The protagonists of the 'Heart Lands' looks are dressed in two main styles which...
'Laurèl Lovers' streetstyle shirt
...pays homage to Laurèl's photo project which shows women 'under cover' in fashionable stylings on streets in several cities in Europe...
Fashionoffice's post for #1020mobilephotoday
...was shot at the amusement park 'Wurstelprater' (means as much as 'pantaloon field') in Vienna. It shows a pantaloon sitting on...
Ballroom dance dresses for samba, waltz, tango...
Social dancing has long tradition in Central Europe. Since the waltz became fashionable in all social classes in the 18th...
'Hunter's Life' series by Karin Sawetz
"The word 'integration' has in Europe a very special meaning when it is used by politicians, the state administration or..."