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TRENDLETTER 27-February-2022

Sculptures about Struggling & Social environment, Fashion & Women's History, Hiking Tip Vienna,...

Two new sculpture exhibitions opened in Vienna: 'Face to Face. Marc Quinn meets Franz Xaver Messerschmidt' at the Belvedere and 'Erwin Wurm. Subject' at König Galerie at the KHK - Kleines Haus der Kunst Marc Quinn and Erwin Wurm are contemporary artists who reflect in their work upon everyday life, struggling in life, structural differences, abilities-disabilities, the social environment with all the different values in a symbolic language that makes communication through art easy to understand...

MKG Hamburg exhibition 'Dressed' follows role models, pioneers for telling the story of 200 years of fashion and emancipation For the exploration of society and especially the role of women, MKG uses as 'red thread' clothing and accessories worn by extraordinary women, role models in their times from the early 19th century until nowadays. Even when the presented women were according to the press release not selected after the criteria status or celebrity, the dramaturgical red thread is mainly a luxurious one...

Vienna hiking route tip to the Hermannskogel by publisher Karin Sawetz: View from the highest peak in the city, the Habsburg Warte, to the east of Austria The tower with its spiral staircase up to the terrace is the last leg of the tour. The staircase gets narrower with every round. When I arrived at the terrace, my first look was to the east where on these days the thoughts of the whole world are. The border of the Ukraine is around 400 kilometers away from Vienna. Even when the terrace isn't high enough to see over the city and Austria's neighbor Slovakia to the Ukraine...

Strategies for reducing the environmental footprint: Investment by Hugo Boss and Lycra into the commercialization of the decarbonizing HeiQ AeoniQ yarn Textile research and development company HeiQ presented the new investment by Hugo Boss and Lycra into the commercialization of the decarbonizing HeiQ AeoniQ yarn which is designed for circularity as an alternative to Polyester and Nylon. HeiQ calculated that for every ton of polyester & nylon substituted by the new cellulosic yarn, potentially up to 5 tons of CO2 can be reduced. The yarn is made out of cellulosic biopolymers that bind carbon from the atmosphere during growth without the need of arable land, pesticides or fertilizer in the production. The word aeon means...

Lena Hoschek's interpretation of traditional clothing 'Tradition' SS22 is an homage to nature and outdoor activities The preview of 'Tradition' SS22 was presented with the citation of a saying by Austrian author Peter Rosegger (1843 - 1918) who is known for writings about the rural life of farmers. The text is addressed to the difference between the genders in the reality of the late 19th century. In context with the reference to the definition of historical femininity, the short 'Tini' skirt with...

Work-life balance: Preventing backbone and neck pain in the home office Home office has positive and negative sides. One of the negative sides of sitting at the computer at home for hours is back pain or pain in the neck. German Design Award 2021 winner 'Plankpad' sent tips for exercises against neck and backbone pain - with the company's product and without...

Circularity, nature protection in art and design: Jeweler Freywille presented the new collection 'Spirit of Vienna' at the apartment of artist, environmentalist Friedensreich Hundertwasser at Kunst Haus Wien followed the press invitation to the presentation of the new collection 'Spirit of Vienna' by fire-enamel jeweler Freywille in the private apartment of artist and environmentalist Friedensreich Hundertwasser at the Kunst Haus Wien in the 3rd district of Vienna. The press tour started at the ground floor with an introduction into the museum and the artist's environmental work. Kunst Haus Wien is located in a reconstructed building from 1892 and was opened in 1991 in the artist's iconic architecture. Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who died 22 years ago on 19 February 2000, was an early thinker of circularity, nature protection and the realization of green concepts in architecture and urban planning. His thoughts about the forestation of cities (keyword vertical gardening), the circle of life respectively recycling as answers to climate change, the exploitation of nature and the prevention of waste were groundbreaking in the early 1970ies and influenced the urban planning in Vienna...

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